Tennis Elbow
AKA “Lateral Epicondylitis”
This painful condition occurs by overloading and over use of the tendons in your elbow. It usually occurs due to repetitive actions of the wrist and arm. Don’t let Tennis Elbow slow you down. Professional Rehab’s kit and Tennis Elbow Pain Exercises will help you overcome the pain and help you back your full range of motion!
What is Tennis Elbow
Tendons are a connective tissue that connect your muscles to your bones. Tennis Elbow involves a specific muscle and those tendons connecting it to the bony bump on the outside on your elbow. The muscle is the extensor carpi radialis brevis (ECRB). The ECRB muscle helps stabilize the wrist when the elbow is straight. When the ECRB is weakened from overuse, tiny tears form in the tendon where it attaches to the lateral epicondyle. This leads to inflammation and pain. Below is a diagram of Tennis Elbow
What Causes Tennis Elbow
While 3 % of the population is affected by Tennis Elbow, particularly adults between 30-55, only 5% of the cases involve tennis players. There are endless possibilities for one to develop Tennis Elbow.
Athletes are not the only people who get tennis elbow. Many people with tennis elbow participate in work or recreational activities that require repetitive and vigorous use of the forearm muscle. As the elbow bends and straightens, the muscle rubs against bony bumps. This can cause gradual wear and tear of the muscle over time.
Painters, plumbers, and carpenters are particularly prone to developing tennis elbow. Studies have shown that auto workers, cooks, and even butchers get tennis elbow more often than the rest of the population. The repetition and weight lifting required in these occupations leads to injury.
Most people who get tennis elbow are between the ages of 30 and 50, although anyone can get tennis elbow if they have the risk factors. In racquet sports like tennis, improper stroke technique and improper equipment may be risk factors.
Lateral epicondylitis can occur without any recognized repetitive injury. This occurrence is called "insidious" or of an unknown cause.
Ninety to Ninety-Five percent of all Tennis Elbow cases are treatable with a nonsurgical approach. However, if left untreated long enough it can require further measures. Most people don’t have the luxury of immediately stopping cold turkey the activity that caused this injury. For people whose profession require the constant use of that muscle and tendon they may have a longer recovery time. It is crucial to get access to Tennis Elbow Treatment as soon as possible.
Professional Rehab’s Tennis Elbow kit is sure to alleviate pain and speed your recovery.
Your Kit Includes:
Compression Strap
Professional Rehab’s Compression Strap applies medical grade pressure stabilizing the elbow. Our strap will give the necessary support to your elbow during activity, reducing strain and allowing the tendon to heal while easing pain. Place the strap just below the elbow on the high forearm area and adjust the tightness with the dual Velcro strap during activity.
Hot and Cold Pack
Inflammation can stop the flow of blood and slow the process of healing. Professional Rehab’s Hot and Cold Pack was designed to mold to the uneven surface and curves of your arm even when frozen, and thus provide as much relief as possible. The cooling causes the inflammation to subside allow for better blood flow and recovery. If the cooling sensation is too intense be sure to place a towel between skin and pack. Apply for 20 minutes every 2-4 hours until pain subsides.
Compression Wrap
Our heavy-duty compression wrap applies comfortably to the arm which improves circulation, reduces inflammation, and expedites the healing process. Our highly versatile compression wrap can be used to reduce pain and provide stability. The compression wrap should be used post activity during your recovery period. It can also provide a protective barrier between skin and Hot and Cold Pack if cooling or heat is too intense.
Stretch and Strengthen
Finger stretch:
- Put your fingers to your thumb and place a rubber band over them, including your thumb.
- Slowly open your thumb and fingers all the way, then close them.
- Repeat up to 25 times and do this stretch up to three times a day. If you need to increase resistance, try two rubber bands.
Wrist flexor stretch:
- Hold your arm straight out in front of you so your elbow isn’t bent and your palm faces up
- Use your other hand to hold the fingers of your outstretched hand and bend it back toward your body until you can feel it in your inner forearm
- Hold for 20 seconds and repeat three to five times and do this two to three times a day. You can hold it for up to 30 seconds and work your way up to repeat five to 10 times instead of three to five.
Wrist flexor strengthening:
- Take a seat
- Support your forearm on your thigh or the edge of a table so that your wrist hangs over the edge
- Hold a small 1 or 2 pound object in your hand with your palm facing up
- Raise your hand slowly, then lower it slowly -- your arm stays on your thigh as your hand bends up and down at the wrist
- Repeat 10 times, rest, and repeat another 10 times